LinkedIn announced recently that it was opening up its platform to Open Source development, allowing public developers to be able to access the site’s API and incorporate LinkedIn into their business and Web sites (similar to the process permitted by Facebook and Twitter).
In so doing, one could only hope that a developer will decide to create an API that will allow users to download videos into their profiles. However, if you don’t want to wait on development, there is a short-cut for embedding videos into your LinkedIn profiles using Google’s presentation application.
Niall HarbisonNiall Harbison, one of Simply Zesty’s founders is a prominent PR/social media guru based in Ireland who assists small businesses in branding and disseminating their messages vis a vis social media. Here you can see, Niall successfully found a way to embed a video into his LinkedIn profile
In the absence of a formal API, this "how-to" video (below) will walk you through a somewhat round-about way, but nonetheless an ingenious solution devised by Niall to accomplish the task of inserting videos into one’s LinkedIn profile page.
Hats off to Niall and SimplyZesty for sharing his Irish ‘trick of the trade’ to incorporate videos into our profiles on LinkedIn. As he notes on his Web site, "while adding video to LinkedIn might not be relevant to everybody…with video content…it can really be the difference in having your profile noticed or not."