I speak with overwhelmed job seekers every week who can’t seem to gain any traction in their job search. They tell me, “I’m applying for just about anything that will pay me”. This, my friends, will get you nowhere. My suggestion to the job seeker is to stop the scatter-shooting and laser focus your search.
Here is a great way to start narrowing your focus. Make some lists. Start with a list of things you have recently been paid to do. Your next list is of things you like to do. Then make a list of things that you have been paid to do that you like to do. Finally make a list of things that you like to do and are most likely to get paid to do. This last list is what you should focus on.
If you are applying for jobs that you are not really interested in just to see if you can get an interview and possibly a pay check, that probably won’t pan out well. But if you really target jobs that are specific to what you do and what you like, your chances of success go way up. Your attitude towards these jobs will be better and your enthusiasm will show in the interview process.
Once you have your narrowed list, try to identify some companies who might hire someone to do the things that meet your focus. Find people on Linkedin who work for those companies. Look at the Linkedin groups those people participate in and join them. Participate in those groups a couple of times a week by posting interesting and relevant links to articles or new items and by asking or answering questions.
After you have participated in these groups for 2 or three weeks, and shown yourself to be an active and valuable resource, ask the members who work for the companies you have identified to join your network. Let them know you are in job search mode are interested in learning more about their experience with their company. Continue to build rapport and finally ask these new members of your network if they would feel comfortable referring you in to their employer. Maybe even invite them to coffee to make the request.
When you have a focus and a target for your job search, you give yourself direction and a better chance for success. A huge percentage of corporate placements happen by referral. So focus, identify, network and get referred in. Happy job hunting!