These are some of the standard interview tips I give to job candidates prior to an interview. Of course there are endless other suggestions that can be made on a case by case basis. But this is a solid general list.
Follow these tips all the way to a job offer.
Be confident
Ask the interviewer what he or she believes is the most important skill for this job. Gear your answers to highlight that skill in your experience
Answer questions thoroughly. One to two paragraphs, never one word answers. But don’t give a full page answer either. If you feel that more answer is necessary but have already given your one or two paragraphs, stop and ask if this is what the interviewer is looking for and would they like you to continue.
Be specific – you don’t want an interviewer to feel that they have to pry information out of you.
Don’t say anything negative about your current or former employer.
Remember that your object is to get a job offer. So no matter what you think about this job, you want to be professional, enthusiastic, and get the offer. You can’t turn down an offer you never get.
Towards the end of the interview ask the interviewer if there is any reason you are not a perfect fit for the job. If they give you a reason, then answer this objection. "I have done something very similar to this (give example), and I am a very fast learner. So I really don’t see this a being an issue."
Close again – any other reason you wouldn’t offer me this job?
Express your interest in the position: "I am really interested in this position." or even "I want this job, I am perfect for it, it is perfect for me." Be enthusiastic! Many people interviewing for a job feel that it is implied by their being there that they are interested in the position. But often after an interview the employer will call me and say that they "really liked so and so, but they just don’t seem that interested in the position." So and so didn’t ask for the job.
Find out what is the next step. If an interviewer commits to you what the next step is during the interviewer they are much more likely to follow-up accordingly than if you don’t get that commitment.
Say thank you.
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