What in the world does this mean? Well back in the mid 90’s I started teaching myself web design because I wanted to know more about the tools that developers and designers were using so I could better understand job requirements from my clients and better screen job candidates (I am a headhunter if you didn’t already know that). Plus it was a fun creative outlet and problem-solving time-waste (just try it, you’ll see).
Over the years I have used these web skills to craft creative job postings, attract the attention of potential job candidates and hiring managers, and built a respectable network of client and candidate connections. You see, building your brand online isn’t just about self-promotion. It’s about generating a ready network of contacts, creating an alluring web presence, and making yourself visible and available when opportunity wants to knock.
You may have seen my other blog which was mostly job postings. It’s still alive, but will be undergoing some re-constructive surgery to get new skin.
In this new blog I wanted to illustrate the power of online branding. I often advise business leaders and job seekers to get their personal brand online to further their cause, upgrade their web presence, get noticed, etc.
I have had Fishdogs.com up since 1999 and have gotten steady traffic and plenty of connections because of it (in addition to keeping friends and family up to date). But in the last year I have been advising executives about online marketing, for themselves or their companies, outside of a corporate web site. It became apparent that I should have a good example of my own to show.
So here it is. I will be discussing the following topics among other unlimited tangents and unrelated minutia…
- Digital Branding – furthering your cause through strategic use of web presence, social networking, cross-linking, etc. Companies and job seekers alike benefit from carefully crafted exposure.
- Attraction & retention of top talent – how does a business market itself to great job candidates? Job boards are less and less effective. Candidates see them as a black hole. The answer for employers? You guessed it, digital branding, social networking, and assistance from key recruiters who know how to work that system.
- Job Seekers and Web2.0 – an overused term but a reality all the same. Just posting your resume doesn’t cut it any more. What you have to do to get noticed in this era.
- Business Marketing, Sales, Recruiting, Job Hunting/Careers – my usual rhetoric on these topics (finely tuned after 18+ years in business) plus tips and articles from around the net.
- Internet and technology – no explanation required
- Web Design – one of my favorite hobbies
That’s all for now. I have work to do!