This interview I did with Sumitha Mariyam Raj and peopleHum is chock full of great tips for job seekers and employers as we start back to work. Full text from this interview can be found on peopleHum’s site hereRead more
This interview I did with Sumitha Mariyam Raj and peopleHum is chock full of great tips for job seekers and employers as we start back to work. Full text from this interview can be found on peopleHum’s site hereRead more
Craig interviewed by The Economist. One of the most important brands you can focus on to support your company and your career is yourself.
Pin It The problem with trying to change occupations or industries, is that most people don’t have the skill set to support a broad leap in jobs. So they end up willing to do practically anything other than what they are currently doing, and subsequently flounder in their job search. After 15 years in recruiting,Read more
Recently I shared my really cool experience consulting with the Zappos recruiting team. It was truly one of the best and most unique client experiences of my career. That whole process started when I met with Christa Foley (aka @Electra), Recruiting Manager at, about an NBC news story that featured both of our TwitterRead more
Thanksgiving is a great time let those in your network know how much you appreciate them. If you are a job seeker, you might thank your network for keeping you in mind for any job opportunities that fit your profile. And remind them of what you do and of what you seek. Peggy McKee (@salesrecruiter)Read more
Today I’ll be discussing Linkedin on CelebrityU Radio, at 3pm Central time, with Travis Blythe from Corner6Labs. Travis is a regular co-host on this show each week on Thursdays from 2-4PM with host, Kathy Hines. I will be on to talk about using Linkedin for business marketing from an entrepreneur’s perspective, and using Linkedin forRead more
Technorati Tags: Craig Fisher,Fishdogs,Social Media,Social Recruiting,Recruiter,A-List Solutions,Get Social Conference,Onboarding,Employee Retention,Staffing The term Social Recruiting is overused. And It is largely misunderstood. Social Recruiting is not just about finding more candidates through social media. And it is not about replacing job boards with free services. It is about building targeted and trusted referral networks and talentRead more
On Tuesday, 3/31/10, I appeared on the DriveThru HR blogtalkradio show. Here is the podcast of the show. Show Name: (Replay) – "LinkedIn should be your friend" – DriveThru HR Show Date / Length: 3/31/2010 11:00 AM – 30 min Description: Host Bryan Wempen will be visiting about LinkedIn with Craig Fisher @Fishdogs ownerRead more
"If you could only have one social network to use as your main tool in recruiting, which one would it be?" This question was deftly posed to the panel by Chris Hoyt, the ending keynote speaker for the event at which I presented last week. I was on a panel for’s Spring Symposium withRead more