Long, long ago, back when job boards ruled the Earth, primitive recruiters and sourcers used to rely on an archaic tactic known as “post and pray.” By simply posting job descriptions on pretty much every career site in existence (and there were many, many of them BLI – that is, before LinkedIn). It was thought,Read more
You probably know by now that content from Facebook Pages is getting lower priority in the Facebook news feed. Facebook announced, in January 2014, that it had devalued text updates from brand pages in favor of updates that include pictures, citing that photo posts get 120% more engagement. Evolver.com at Lunch with Hootsuite at their HQRead more
On Feb. 24th, 2014, Monster announced the acquisition of TalentBin, Inc.a social profile talent search engine, and Gozaik LLC, a developer of social jobs aggregation and distribution technology. On April 3rd, 2013, Craig and Lars interviewed Gozaik CEO, Joe Budzienski (@gozaik1) about their (then) recently beta launched smart resume and job search app for TwitterRead more
Video has become one of the best ways to communicate a company’s culture, especially in a talent recruiting context. Doing it well can yield great results. Doing it poorly? Well, not so much. Here are 9 tips that will help you succeed, with input along the way from Craig Fisher, CEO of TalentNet, LLC. Craig doesRead more
We have over 1200 people signed up for today’s Cool Tools webinar on RecruitingBlogs. Here is a sample of some of the tools we’ll look at today. Sign up now and you’ll get a free copy of my upcoming Big Book of Cool Tools! http://t.co/0NBh9hCeD5 Cool tools for recruiting craig fisher – taletnt net 2013Read more
Job searching on social media and online search engines is common. But it can result in an overwhelming amount of duplicate job ads from scraping services, and less than stellar response time to online submissions of your resume.A more efficient way might be to find and connect with the individuals who post the jobs youRead more
Want to intern at Twitter? Check out how on this fun Cool Tools Show podcast as Lars and I talked with the Twitter recruiting team. Guests on this podcast include: Anitra Collins – Twitter Recruitment Operations Lead Meghan Lorig – Twitter University Programs Lead We discussed: 1. Does twitter have an internship program? If so, can youRead more
Employers are starting to see the benefits of making job ads more visual. If you follow me at all you know this is a topic about which I am very passionate. Which is why I was thrilled when the folks at Most Wanted sent me a note about their latest infographic, The Job Posting Field Guide.Read more
Have you ever wondered what time of day you take the most photos with your iPhone? No? Me either. But I have wondered if there is an easy way to make Infographics on my iPhone. I’ve found a few cool tools that are useful for visualizing bits of data without ever leaving your idevice. PhotoRead more
On my birthday 2 weeks ago, January 9th, 2013, LinkedIn announced that it had surpassed 200 million members. Two major milestones. Next week I’ll be in San Francisco to talk about Linkedin optimization and other cool tools at the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference. This will be my 3rd #SRSC, and I can’t wait. More milestones…andRead more
I have just finished day one of profile awesomizations at Linkedin’s Talent Connect conference. I thought it would be a great time to post this article I wrote for Linkedin’s blog a couple of weeks back. If you find this helpful, share it with your Linkedin network! Cheers, CF How to take advantage of Linkedin’s profile updateRead more
Join Craig Fisher and Crystal Miller as we broadcast live from the Dice Bloggers Lounge Tuesday, 6/26, directly following DriveThruHR at 1:30PM ET. Our guests will be Dwane Lay, Trish McFarlane, Elizabeth Reese, and John Sumser. We will get their impressions and the latest updates from the big show. Listen in to #TalentNet Radio TuesdayRead more
When I see Alison Doyle posting on About.com how to use a certain platform for job search, I generally know its time to take that platform seriously for recruiting. I’ve been advising recruiters and employers on how to use Pinterest for recruiting for a few months now and have been highlighting it at TalentNet LiveRead more
“Dude, your on Mashable!” was the message that popped up from a friend in my chat window in March of 2009. “What??” It tuned out Sarah Evans had just written an article for Mashable, HOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter. In it, she listed a few recruiters to follow, including me, Christa Foley fromRead more
Do you use Timehop? It can be a bit of a ‘time suck’. But sometimes its really cool to remind you what you were doing, or at least posting on Facebook, a year ago. And today it showed me that a year ago I had just arrived in London for TRULondon 4.This time next week Read more
Pin It The problem with trying to change occupations or industries, is that most people don’t have the skill set to support a broad leap in jobs. So they end up willing to do practically anything other than what they are currently doing, and subsequently flounder in their job search. After 15 years in recruiting,Read more
Edgerank is the evil culprit that is most responsible for what you see on your Facebook timeline. Yes, it has a name. Facebook is arguably the best tool in social media for engaging your customers or friends. But if you want to be really good at it, below are 3 tips to help you upRead more
How well do you know your email contacts? Today Xobni released its social intelligence app, Smartr, for Gmail. I was interested to see if it would work for me as a compliment to, or even “smarter” replacement for Rapportive. I have been using Rapportive since early Summer as a social profile viewer/CRM inside myRead more
Facebook regularly makes changes to user agreements and it’s platform that outrage it’s user community. But somehow most people don’t leave the mammoth social site.Here’s a look back to an interesting Post from September of 2011 on the CNN Tech blog. Here we go again.Facebook has made big changes to users’ pages, and people are responding inRead more