This interview I did with Sumitha Mariyam Raj and peopleHum is chock full of great tips for job seekers and employers as we start back to work. Full text from this interview can be found on peopleHum’s site hereRead more
This interview I did with Sumitha Mariyam Raj and peopleHum is chock full of great tips for job seekers and employers as we start back to work. Full text from this interview can be found on peopleHum’s site hereRead more
A recent Allegis Group survey found that 7.7 percent of companies were fully satisfied that their recruiting functions met expectations for quality, speed, and cost control. If you feel you’re in the other 92 percent, congratulations! You know you have work to do. But if you feel you’re part of the eight percent high-performer group, don’t get comfortable. Your organization will also have work to do — a lot of it.
Long, long ago, back when job boards ruled the Earth, primitive recruiters and sourcers used to rely on an archaic tactic known as “post and pray.” By simply posting job descriptions on pretty much every career site in existence (and there were many, many of them BLI – that is, before LinkedIn). It was thought,Read more
An employer’s brand should be built from the inside out. Just as part of an organization’s marketing message should come from its customers, the employer brand should be championed by its employees.
Craig Fisher talks with Whole Foods recruiting leader Andres Traslavina about Whole Foods recruiting practices and conscious leadership. Read more
It’s not the money. When job offers get rejected, more often it is because of a poor candidate experience during the hiring process. Most hiring processes are slow, redundant, dull, and full of delays. Did I say slow? This sends a bad message to the candidate. At the SHRM national conference this Summer I gotRead more
I am supposed to be presenting on this topic at the Radical North recruiting unconference in Toronto right now. Instead, due to mechanical issues on the plane that would fly me to my first hop, I was delayed such that the whole trip went up in smoke. So I’m now flying back to Dallas andRead more
I was interviewed recently by Undercover Recruiter author, Jorgen Sundberg. I met him earlier this year in London when I spoke at the TRU London unconference. Great guy. I hope to be back in the UK and maybe see Jorgen again at TRU Manchester in September. Jorgen’s blog is great and this interview offers someRead more
If you are a passive job candidate (someone not currently looking for a job but open to listening), are you likely to submit your resume to a job posting? Probably not. But you might participate in a group of other professionals with your skill set online that happens to be sponsored by a company whoRead more
Story from Craig Fisher Posted by Miriam Salpeter on Keppie CareersRecruiters don’t ease up during the holidays – neither should you – Original post on Originally Published on December 2nd, 2009 If you are a regular reader, I hope you are already convinced that it’s important to job hunt during the holidays. Do youRead more
Over the summer I did some Twitter and Social Media recruiting/branding training for the Dallas office of Matrix Resources. I worked at Matrix from 1996 to 2000 and was a top performer on the contract IT staffing side. That training led to a webinar I did recently for Matrix job candidates to help them promoteRead more
A colleague in the recruiting industry told me this week that he made a social media faux pas. He asked an admin to post a job opening to Twitter. But she accidentally posted it to Facebook. I was quick to tell him that I didn’t think it was a faux pas at all to postRead more
I heard recently about a company that didn’t want their corporate recruiters to have their Twitter profile connected to their Linkedin profile because they were concerned that the recruiters might say something on Twitter that would reflect badly on the company. Amazing. I wonder if they are going to ask them to stop sending emailRead more
Come be a part of the kick off meeting for the newly formed Texas Recruiters Association. The Texas Recruiters Association is a new and growing professional recruiters association; membership is open to recruiters, human resources, and sourcing professionals. During our unconference workshop you will learn about “The future of recruiting after the recession." This isRead more
The way social media can effect recruiting and retention was a hot topic at the recent ERE Social Recruiting Summit held this week at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Jenny DeVaughn attended and wrote a nice synopsis of her experience that can be viewed on the ERE Community site. I watched many of theRead more
A while back I posed this question on Twitter and LinkedIn, “What should job seekers leave OFF of their resume?” It generated dozens of great responses from recruiting, career, HR, and resume professionals and hiring managers. The number one thing that was suggested to leave off of your resume is something that most job seekers simplyRead more
This week I had the dubious honor of being the featured guest on the Recruiting Animal Show on Blog Talk Radio. The Recruiting Animal is sort of a Jim Rome type of interviewer. His shtick is to be bombastic, throw curve balls, cut people off if they don’t answer quickly or interestingly enough. But heRead more
In March of 2009 I was asked by international employer branding company, Universum, to be a guest writer for their new employer brand magazine called Universum Quarterly. Subscribers in HR organizations worldwide received live copies of the printed editions. Universum Quarterly began as the world’s first periodical for Employer Branding. Each issue brought feature articlesRead more
One of the web’s top business information search engines, (which I find extremely helpful in sales and recruiting research), has kindly featured an article I wrote, Employer Branding with Web 2.0 & Social Media, in their February Recruiting Newsletter, Zoominformer. Thanks to Flora Felisberto and Martin Burns of ZoomInfo for including me, alongside recruitingRead more
Very funny post on about the extremes some job hunters go to in order to get noticed. Talk about branding yourself! Great stuff, enjoy. Extreme Job Hunting – How Far Would You Go to Get Hired? by Jeremy Hatfield “Experienced M.I.T. grad for hire,” and “I will buy an interview,” are the messagesRead more